Thursday, June 12, 2008

The weekend is looming

It's Thursday, and I'm someway through my working day (in actual fact, I'm only 3 hours in!), so of course I'm starting to think about the weekend! With Rachel on nights, she'll be sleeping through most of it, so I'm setting myself a list of things to do. Both chores, and fun things, to keep me from sitting in front of my PC like a slob all weekend!

This weekend, I aim to:

  • tidy the kitchen, clean the counters, and hoover and mop the floor
  • tackle the washing mountain that the bedroom door really isn't hiding
  • tidy my desk, and hoover the office, hairballs are not a "feature"
  • meet Rach from work on Saturday morning and get my hair cut (this involves get out of bed criminally early, but will be worth it for shiny new hair ness!)
  • have fun mooching round the shops on my own, I tend to only shop with someone, or rush out alone for a specific list and go home, getting used to my own company is a good challenge
  • take my LA challenge photos, select the one and post it, *erkle*
  • sort through my jewellery supplies, and make myself something fun and summery
  • spend quality time playing with the kitties, who are feeling neglected now we've gone back to work after our time off
  • attend my new teams' outing on Saturday, even though I will be alone, and don't actually know any of them (this is a very scary prospect!)
  • call my dad, and catch up with him
We shall see how far through this I get, though the aim is to be able to tick off everything by the end of Monday!

I had an awesome chat with LA today, and after getting over my initial star-struck ness, realised she's not all that different from me! I confessed to being her internet stalker for many many months, and she has set me some little challenges. :) My pictures are now in her hands, and I'm looking forward to my kit arriving and getting stuck in!


Leigh-Ann said...

YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!

Rachie said...

I'll help out with the cleaning at home, I'll do it when I get in in the morning, clanging stuff around that will wake the world.

Have fun round the shops today too cutie, try not to buy *too* many potential birthday presents eh? :P