Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Tired from a very long weekend!

I realise I have been very slack in updating. Remember I said I was mad-busy? That was to get everything ready for this weekend, for my birthday. :) We had people coming from all over to stay for varying lengths of the weekend, so we needed plans for everything. It was stressful planning, but it's been great fun!

We basically ended up drinking in Fred Zeppelins on Saturday night, after dinner at Zanzibar's on the way out. Then Sunday we had a relaxed bbq at home, and thankfully, the Irish weather stayed away and we had some glorious sunshine! A great time was had with good food, plenty of booze, and lots of time on the Wii! All the photos are available at Flickr, and some of the best are below! Normal blogging service shall resume this week!

Mmm. pear cider!

BBQ lunch

Guitar Hero was popular!

Oh dear?

Dinner at Zanzibar's

1 comment:

Rachie said...

This was an awesome weekend. The rain was very well behaved! It was sunny when it needed to be. :)

The new BBQ was great, and guitar hero is a big hit.